The Definitive Guide to Let It Ride Poker Games
Let It Ride Player

Let It Ride Poker Information

Let it Ride is a casino table game that is based on five card stud poker and was invented in 1993. It is found at most land-based casinos and many online casinos. The aim of the Let It Ride Player web site is to give you all you need to know to play at your local casino or on the Internet.

The game has several different names including Let Them Ride, Let 'Em Ride and Poker Grand Prix. Many casinos also offer the option to play a $1 side bet for either jackpots or a fixed set of bonus pay outs. Enjoy the site and best of luck at the tables.

Let It Ride Rules
We outline the rules for the game and discuss the side bet bonus. In this section you can also find out about poker hand rankings.

Hand Odds
Find out what the odds are for a particular hand to be dealt in five cards. We also show you the odds of each hand on the initial deal.

Playing Strategy
We give you the correct strategy for playing let it ride poker games. By learning how to play correctly you can keep the house edge low.

Play For Free
Find a selection of free let it ride games where you can practice your strategy and skills without risking any money.

How To Play
Learn how to play let it ride poker. We outline everything from finding a table to buying chips and to playing your first hand.

History of the Game
Find out how the desire to sell automatic shuffling machines made Let it Ride poker a popular game in casinos around the world.

Online Gambling
We have compared all of the let it ride games at the Internet's leading online casinos. Find out about online gambling and where to play.