Find out the Odds and Probabilities for Let it Ride Poker
Let It Ride Player

Let It Ride Poker Odds

Every game of let it ride is played with a single 52 card deck. This means you can work out the odds and probabilities of any hand occurring. It is worth mentioning that the odds never change no matter how many hands you play. Each hand has exactly the same chance as the last and the next.

Final Outcome Odds

The table below shows the odds of each five card hand occurring. This also illustrates well why the side bet is only for the true gambler - the chance of getting a royal and the top pay from the side bet is over 600,000 to 1.

Hand Combinations Odds Pays *
Royal Flush 4 1 in 649,740 1,000:1
Straight Flush 36 1 in 72,193 200:1
4 of a Kind 624 1 in 4,165 50:1
Full House 3,744 1 in 694 11:1
Flush 5,108 1 in 509 8:1
Straight 10,200 1 in 255 5:1
3 of a Kind 54,912 1 in 47 3:1
Two Pair 123,552 1 in 21 2:1
Any Pair 1,098,240 1 in 2 **

* The pays listed are the most common. You should always check the pays on the table you are going to play at before you start playing.

** While the odds of getting any pair are quite high it must be noted that in let it ride poker only pairs of 10s or better pay 1:1.

Initial Deal Odds

A game of let it ride starts with each player getting three cards. The odds for the initial deal are as follows. There are a total of 22,100 different hands that can be dealt with the first three cards. Some let it ride games have a bonus bet that pays on the first three cards only.

Hand Combinations Odds Pays
Straight Flush 48 1 in 460 n/a
3 of a Kind 52 1 in 425 n/a
Straight 720 1 in 31 n/a
Flush 1096 1 in 20 n/a
Pair 3744 1 in 6 n/a
High Card 9720 1 in 2 n/a